Washington Quarters

Washington Quarters

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Washington Quarters Head

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Click HERE for an explanation of Washington Quarter grade abbreviations

Half Cents

Large Cents
Flying Eagle Cents
Indian Cents
Lincoln Cents

2 & 3 CENTS
Two Cents
Three Cent Nickels
Three Cent Silvers

Shield Nickels
Liberty Nickels
Buffalo Nickels
Jefferson Nickels

Half Dimes

Bust Dimes
Seated Liberty Dimes
Barber Dimes
Mercury Dimes
Roosevelt Dimes

Twenty Cents

Bust Quarters
Seated Liberty Quarters
Barber Quarters
Standing Liberty Quarters
Washington Quarters

Bust Half Dollars
Seated Liberty Half Dollars
Barber Half Dollars
Walking Liberty Half Dollars
Franklin Half Dollars
Kennedy Half Dollars

Bust Dollars
Seated Liberty Dollars
Trade Dollars
Morgan Dollars
Peace Dollars
Eisenhower Dollars
Susan B. Anthony Dollars
Sacagawea Dollars
Presidential Dollars
Innovation Dollars

Hawaiian Coins
U. S. Gold Coins
Proof Sets
Mint Sets
Proof Silver Eagles
Modern Commemoratives
BU Rolls

Washington Quarters


1932 DAG$52.00
1932 DG$91.00
1932 DG-6 PCGS$101.30
1932 DG-VG$101.30
1932 DVG$105.00
1932 DVG-8 Anacs$105.00
1932 DVF$147.00
1932 SG$84.00
1932 SVG$97.50
1932 SVG-8 PCGS$97.50
1932 SVG-8 ICG$97.50
1932 SF$112.50
1932 SF-12 Anacs$112.50
1932 SVF$127.50
1932 SVF-20 PCGS$127.50
1932 SVF-25 PCGS$136.00
1932 SVF-35 PCGS$148.80
1932 SMS-62 NGC$493.00
1934 Doub DieAG$25.00
1934 Doub DieG$37.50
1934 Doub DieVG$60.00
1934 T1G$10.40
1934 T1VG$11.60
1934 T1VF$13.50
1934 T1EF$16.50
1934 T1AU$25.50
1934 T1AU-Unc$31.50
1934 T1MS-63$72.00
1934 T2AG$9.60
1934 T2G$10.40
1934 T2VG$11.60
1934 T2F$12.50
1934 T2VF$13.50
1934 T2EF$14.40
1934 T2AU$15.40
1934 T2AU-Unc$17.60
1934 T2MS-60$24.00
1934 T2MS-63$48.00
1934 T3G$10.40
1934 T3VG$11.60
1934 T3F$12.50
1934 T3VF$13.50
1934 T3EF$19.50
1934 T3AU$30.00
1934 T3AU-Unc$36.00
1934 DAG$9.60
1934 DG$10.40
1934 DVG$11.60
1934 DEF$40.00
1935 DAG$9.60
1935 DG$10.40
1935 DVG$11.60
1935 SAG$9.60
1935 SG$10.40
1935 SVG$11.60
1935 SF$12.50
1936 DAG$9.60
1936 DG$10.40
1936 DVG$11.60
1936 DVF$36.00
1936 DMS-64 Anacs$810.00
1936 SAG$9.60
1936 SG$10.40
1936 SVG$11.60
1936 SF$12.50
1936 SMS-63$157.50
1937MS-63 PCI$44.80
1937PR-63 PCGS$320.00
1937PR-66 PCGS$450.00
1937 DAG$9.60
1937 DG$10.40
1937 DVG$11.60
1937 DF$12.50
1937 SG$10.40
1937 SVG$11.60
1937 SF$12.80
1937 SVF$22.40
1938 SAG$9.60
1938 SG$10.40
1938 SVG$11.60
1939AU-58 NGC$16.00
1939MS-65 PCGS$72.00
1939MS-66 NGC$77.00
1939 DG$10.40
1939 DVG$11.60
1939 DF$12.50
1939 DVF$13.50
1939 DEF$16.00
1939 DAU$27.20
1939 DMS-64 PCGS$88.00
1939 SG$10.40
1939 SVG$11.60
1939 SF$12.50
1939 SVF$14.40
1939 SAU-Unc$90.00
1940PR-67 NGC$400.00
1940 DAG$9.60
1940 DG$10.40
1940 DVG$11.60
1940 DEF$48.00
1940 SAG$9.60
1940 SG$10.40
1940 SVG$11.60
1940 SF$12.50
1940 SVF$13.50
1940 SEF$16.00
1940 SMS-63$52.20
1940 SMS-63 PCGS$53.20
1941MS-65 PCGS$43.20
1941MS-66 PCGS$88.00
1941PR-65 PCGS$104.00
1941 DCirc$9.60
1941 DVF$10.10
1941 DEF$11.10
1941 DAU-Unc$27.00
1941 DBU$66.60
1941 DMS-65 PCGS$86.40
1941 SCirc$9.60
1941 SEF$11.10
1941 SAU$14.40
1941 SAU-Unc$28.80
1941 SBU$54.40
1941 SMS-65 PCGS$72.00
1942PR-64 Anacs$115.20
1942PR-66 PCGS$162.00
1942 DCirc$9.60
1942 DVF$10.10
1942 DEF$11.10
1942 DAU-Unc$14.40
1942 DBU$27.60
1942 DMS-66 PCGS$120.00
1942 D Dbl DieG$75.00
1942 D Dbl DieVG$82.50
1942 D Dbl DieVF$165.00
1942 SCirc$9.60
1942 SVF$11.20
1942 SEF$14.40
1942 SAU$25.60
1942 SAU-Unc$35.20
1942 SBU$102.00
1942 SMS-64 PCGS$91.00
1943MS-66 PCGS$96.00
1943 DDOG$375.00
1943 DDOVG$525.00
1943 DDOF$1312.50
1943 DDO - FS016.5VG$525.00
1943 DCirc$9.60
1943 DVF$10.10
1943 DEF$12.80
1943 DMS-65 PCGS$64.00
1943 SCirc$9.60
1943 SEF$11.10
1943 SAU$16.00
1943 SAU-Unc$28.80
1943 SBU$61.20
1943 S DDOG$48.00
1943 S DDOVG$80.00
1944 DCirc$9.60
1944 DEF$11.10
1944 DMS-66 PCGS$80.00
1944 SCirc$9.60
1944 SEF$11.10
1944 SAU$12.00
1944 SAU-Unc$12.80
1944 SBU$25.50
1944 SMS-66 PCGS$80.00
1944 SMS-66 NGC$80.00
1945MS-65 PCGS$43.20
1945 DCirc$9.60
1945 DAU$11.10
1945 DBU$34.00
1945 DMS-65 NGC$41.60
1945 SCirc$9.60
1945 SEF$10.10
1945 SBU$17.50
1945 SMS-60$13.10
1945 SMS-65 PCGS$40.00
1946 DCirc$9.60
1946 DAU$11.10
1946 DBU$17.50
1946 SCirc$9.60
1946 SAU$11.10
1946 SBU$17.50
1946 SMS-65 NGC$38.40
1946 SMS-66 NGC$90.00
1947 DCirc$9.60
1947 DEF$10.10
1947 DAU$11.10
1947 DAU-Unc$9.90
1947 DBU$17.50
1947 DMS-65 NGC$44.80
1947 SCirc$9.60
1947 SEF$10.10
1947 SBU$17.50
1947 SMS-65 NGC$28.80
1947 SMS-66 W NGC$60.80
1948MS-66 NGC$64.00
1948 DCirc$9.60
1948 DAU$11.10
1948 DBU$25.20
1948 DMS-60$19.60
1948 SCirc$9.60
1948 SEF$10.10
1948 SAU$11.10
1948 SBU$18.00
1948 SMS-60$13.50
1948 SMS-65 NGC$52.80
1949 DCirc$9.60
1949 DEF$12.00
1949 DAU$15.00
1949 DBU$30.60
1950MS-65 PCGS$40.00
1950 DCirc$9.60
1950 DEF$10.10
1950 DAU$11.10
1950 DAU-Unc$11.60
1950 DBU$18.00
1950 DMS-60$13.50
1950 DMS-65 PCGS$48.00
1950 D /SF$72.00
1950 D /SVF$104.00
1950 SCirc$9.60
1950 SEF$10.10
1950 SAU$11.10
1950 SAU-Unc$11.60
1950 SBU$22.00
1950 S /DEF$264.00
1951PR-67 PCGS$112.00
1951 DCirc$9.60
1951 DEF$10.10
1951 DAU$11.10
1951 DAU-Unc$11.60
1951 DBU$16.80
1951 SCirc$9.60
1951 SEF$10.10
1951 SBU$32.50
1951 SMS-60$22.80
1951 SMS-66 PCGS$64.00
1951 SMS-66 NGC$64.00
1952MS-65 PCGS$40.00
1952MS-66 PCGS$80.00
1952 DCirc$9.60
1952 DEF$10.10
1952 DAU$11.10
1952 DAU-Unc$11.60
1952 DBU$17.60
1952 DMS-66 PCGS$124.00
1952 SCirc$9.60
1952 SBU$21.30
1953PR-66 Cameo PCGS$85.00
1953PR-67 NGC$72.00
1953 DCirc$9.60
1953 DEF$10.10
1953 DAU$11.10
1953 DBU$16.50
1953 DMS-60$13.50
1953 SCirc$9.60
1953 SEF$10.10
1953 SAU$11.10
1953 SBU$16.30
1954MS-65 PCGS$19.20
1954MS-66 NGC$44.80
1954PR-67 NGC$64.00
1954 DCirc$9.60
1954 DAU$11.10
1954 DBU$15.00
1954 DMS-65 PCGS$28.80
1954 DMS-66 NGC$90.00
1954 SCirc$9.60
1954 SBU$15.00
1954 SMS-65 PCGS$30.00
1954 SMS-66 NGC$70.00
1955MS-66 PCGS$80.00
1955MS-66 NGC$80.00
1955PR-67 NGC$48.00
1955 DAU-Unc$10.40
1955 DBU$15.80
1956MS-65 PCGS$19.20
1956MS-66 PCGS$40.00
1956MS-66 NGC$40.00
1956PR-67 NGC$35.20
1956PR-68 NGC$60.00
1956 DCirc$9.60
1956 DBU$13.70
1956 DMS-65 NGC$24.00
1957MS-66 NGC$40.00
1957PR-66 NGC$27.20
1957PR-67 NGC$32.00
1957PR-68 NGC$46.20
1957PR-70 ICG$208.00
1957 DCirc$9.60
1957 DBU$11.70
1957 DMS-65 NGC$33.60
1957 DMS-66 PCGS$56.00
1958PR-67 PCGS$32.00
1958PR-67 NGC$32.00
1958 DCirc$9.60
1958 DBU$11.70
1959MS-65 Anacs$21.60
1959 DCirc$9.60
1959 DBU$11.70
1959 DMS-65 Anacs$21.60
1960 DCirc$9.60
1960 DBU$11.70
1961PR-65 NGC$13.60
1961PR-66 NGC$19.20
1961PR-67 PCI$24.00
1961PR-67 NGC$24.00
1961PR-68 NGC$39.00
1961 DCirc$9.60
1961 DBU$11.70
1962PR-67 NGC$16.00
1962PR-67 Cameo PCGS$35.00
1962 DCirc$9.60
1962 DBU$11.70
1963PR-67 NGC$24.00
1963 DCirc$9.60
1963 DBU$11.70
1964PR-67 NGC$17.00
1964 DCirc$9.60
1964 DBU$11.70
1964 DMS-65 PCGS$28.80
1965SMS-66 Cameo Anacs$40.00
1967SMS-66 Anacs$12.80
1968 DBU$1.30
1968 SProof$1.10
1969 DBU$1.80
1969 SPR-69 NGC$14.00
1969 SProof$1.20
1970MS-66 PCGS$50.00
1970 DBU$1.00
1970 SProof$.70
1971 DBU$1.10
1971 SPR-69 Cam ICG$15.00
1971 SProof$.80
1972 DBU$1.00
1972 SProof$.90
1973 DBU$1.30
1973 SProof$.70
1974 DBU$1.00
1974 SProof$1.10
1976 DBU$1.10
1976 SPR-69 PCGS$30.00
1976 SPR-69 DCam PCGS$30.00
1976 SProof$1.10
1976 S 40%BU$5.60
1976 S 40%MS-65 PCGS$11.50
1976 S 40%MS-66 NGC$14.00
1976 S 40%MS-67 NGC$25.00
1976 S 40%PR-69 DCam PCGS$32.00
1976 S 40%PR-69 DCam NGC$32.00
1977 DBU$1.00
1977 SPR-69 DCam PCGS$15.00
1977 SProof$1.00
1978 DBU$1.00
1978 SPR-69 DCam PCGS$12.00
1978 SProof$.90
1979 DBU$1.00
1979 S T1PR-69 DCam PCGS$16.00
1979 S T1Proof$.70
1979 S T2PR-69 DCam PCGS$16.00
1979 S T2PR-69 DCam NGC$16.00
1979 S T2Proof$1.40
1980 PBU$1.00
1980 DBU$1.00
1980 SPR-69 DCam PCGS$12.00
1980 SProof$.70
1981 PBU$1.00
1981 DBU$1.00
1981 S T1Proof$.70
1981 S T2PR-69 DCam NGC$24.00
1981 S T1PR-66 Hvy Cameo Anacs$4.50
1982 PBU$11.80
1982 DBU$8.80
1982 SPR-69 DCam PCGS$15.00
1982 SPR-68 Hvy Cameo Anacs$8.40
1982 SProof$1.10
1983 PBU$27.50
1983 P Spitting EagleMS-66 NGC$250.00
1983 SProof$1.10
1984 PBU$1.00
1984 DBU$1.20
1984 SProof$.90
1985 PBU$1.80
1985 DBU$1.20
1985 SProof$1.10
1986 PBU$2.80
1986 DBU$5.60
1986 SPR-69 DCam PCGS$16.00
1986 SProof$1.20
1987 PBU$1.00
1987 DBU$1.00
1987 SPR-70 DCam ICG$12.00
1987 SProof$1.10
1988 PBU$1.80
1988 DBU$1.00
1988 SPR-69 DCam PCGS$12.00
1988 SProof$1.10
1989 PBU$1.00
1989 DBU$1.00
1989 SProof$1.10
1990 PBU$1.10
1990 DBU$1.40
1990 SPR-69 DCam NGC$16.00
1990 SProof$2.30
1991 PBU$1.50
1991 DBU$1.70
1991 SPR-69 DCam Anacs$16.00
1991 SProof$1.30
1992 PBU$1.60
1992 DBU$1.20
1992 SPR-69 DCam PCGS$16.00
1992 SPR-70 DCam PCGS$38.00
1992 SProof$2.00
1992 S 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$18.00
1992 S 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$18.00
1992 S 90%PR-70 DCam PCGS$40.00
1992 S 90%Proof$9.60
1993 PBU$1.90
1993 DBU$1.70
1993 S 90%Proof$9.60
1994 PBU$2.10
1994 DBU$2.30
1994 SProof$2.30
1994 S 90%Proof$9.60
1995 PBU$2.50
1995 DBU$2.60
1995 SPR-69 Anacs$10.00
1995 SProof$3.80
1995 S 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$18.00
1995 S 90%Proof$12.50
1996 PBU$1.10
1996 DBU$1.60
1996 SProof$3.10
1996 S 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$18.00
1996 S 90%Proof$12.00
1997 PBU$1.40
1997 DBU$2.30
1997 SPR-69 DCam PCGS$16.00
1997 S 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$18.00
1997 S 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$18.00
1997 S 90%Proof$12.00
1998 DBU$1.00
1998 S 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$18.00
1998 S 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$18.00
1998 S 90%Proof$9.60
2021 PBU$1.00
2021 DBU$1.00
State Quarters


1999 - 2008 D set in tubesBU$34.95
1999 - 2008 P set in EMco folderBU$44.95
1999 - 2008 D set in EMco folderBU$44.95
1999 P DelawareBU$1.00
1999 P DelawareMS-66 PCGS$4.20
1999 D DelawareBU$1.00
1999 Delaware - Gold Plated$1.50
1999 S DelawarePR-69 DCam ICG$10.00
1999 S DelawarePR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
1999 S Delaware - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$20.00
1999 P PennsylvaniaBU$1.00
1999 D PennsylvaniaBU$1.00
1999 D PennsylvaniaMS-65 PCGS$3.00
1999 Pennsylvania - Gold Plated$1.50
1999 S PennsylvaniaPR-69 DCam ICG$10.00
1999 S Pennsylvania - 90%PR-69 DCam ICG$20.00
1999 S Pennsylvania - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$20.00
1999 S Pennsylvania - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$20.00
1999 P New JerseyBU$1.00
1999 D New JerseyBU$1.00
1999 New Jersey - Gold Plated$1.50
1999 S New JerseyPR-69 DCam ICG$10.00
1999 S New Jersey - 90%PR-69 DCam ICG$20.00
1999 S New Jersey - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$20.00
1999 S New Jersey - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$20.00
1999 P GeorgiaBU$1.00
1999 D GeorgiaBU$1.00
1999 Georgia - Gold Plated$1.50
1999 S GeorgiaPR-69 DCam ICG$10.00
1999 S GeorgiaPR-70 DCam PCGS$20.00
1999 S Georgia - 90%PR-69 DCam ICG$20.00
1999 S Georgia - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$20.00
1999 S Georgia - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$20.00
1999 P ConnecticutBU$1.00
1999 D ConnecticutBU$1.00
1999 Connecticut - Gold Plated$1.50
1999 S Connecticut - 90%PR-69 DCam ICG$20.00
1999 S Connecticut - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$20.00
1999 S Connecticut - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$20.00
2000 P MassachusettsBU$1.00
2000 D MassachusettsBU$1.00
2000 Massachusetts - Gold Plated$1.50
2000 S MassachusettsPR-69 DCam NGC$6.00
2000 S Massachusetts - 2006 NGC CSPR-69 Ultra Cameo NGC$9.10
2000 S Massachusetts - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2000 S Massachusetts - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2000 P MarylandBU$1.00
2000 P MarylandMS-65 W NGC$8.00
2000 D MarylandBU$1.00
2000 Maryland - Gold Plated$1.50
2000 S Maryland - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2000 S Maryland - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2000 P South CarolinaBU$1.00
2000 D South CarolinaBU$1.00
2000 South Carolina - Gold Plated$1.50
2000 S South Carolina - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2000 S South Carolina - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2000 P New HampshireBU$1.00
2000 D New HampshireBU$1.00
2000 New Hampshire - Gold Plated$1.50
2000 S New HampshirePR-69 DCam PCGS$6.00
2000 S New HampshirePR-69 DCam NGC$6.00
2000 S New Hampshire - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2000 S New Hampshire - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2000 P VirginiaBU$1.00
2000 P VirginiaMS-65 W NGC$8.00
2000 D VirginiaBU$1.00
2000 Virginia - Gold Plated$1.50
2000 S Virginia - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2000 S Virginia - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2001 P New YorkBU$1.00
2001 D New YorkBU$1.00
2001 New York - Gold Plated$1.50
2001 S New YorkPR-69 DCam NGC$7.00
2001 S New York - Signature SeriesProof ICG$16.50
2001 S New York - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2001 S New York - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2001 P North CarolinaBU$1.00
2001 D North CarolinaBU$1.00
2001 North Carolina - Gold Plated$1.50
2001 S North Carolina - Signature SeriesProof ICG$16.50
2001 S North Carolina - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2001 S North Carolina - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2001 P Rhode IslandBU$1.00
2001 D Rhode IslandBU$1.00
2001 Rhode Island - Gold Plated$1.50
2001 S Rhode Island - Signature SeriesProof ICG$16.50
2001 S Rhode Island - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2001 S Rhode Island - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2001 P VermontBU$1.00
2001 D VermontBU$1.00
2001 D VermontMS-64 PCGS$4.00
2001 Vermont - Gold Plated$1.50
2001 S Vermont - Signature SeriesProof ICG$18.50
2001 S Vermont - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2001 S Vermont - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2001 P KentuckyBU$1.00
2001 D KentuckyBU$1.00
2001 Kentucky - Gold Plated$1.50
2001 S Kentucky - Signature SeriesProof ICG$16.50
2001 S Kentucky - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2001 S Kentucky - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2002 P TennesseeBU$1.70
2002 D TennesseeBU$1.70
2002 P Tennessee - RollBU$32.00
2002 D Tennessee - RollBU$32.00
2002 Tennessee - Gold Plated$1.50
2002 S Tennessee - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2002 S Tennessee - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2002 P OhioBU$1.00
2002 P OhioMS-67 PCGS$11.20
2002 D OhioBU$1.00
2002 S OhioPR-69 DCam PCGS$5.00
2002 S OhioPR-70 DCam ICG$10.00
2002 P LouisianaBU$1.00
2002 D LouisianaBU$1.00
2002 Louisiana - Gold Plated$1.50
2002 S Louisiana - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2002 S Louisiana - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2002 P IndianaBU$1.00
2002 D IndianaBU$1.00
2002 Indiana - Gold Plated$1.50
2002 S Indiana - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2002 S Indiana - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2002 P MississippiBU$1.00
2002 P MississippiMS-66 First Day NGC$6.00
2002 D MississippiBU$1.00
2002 Mississippi - Gold Plated$1.50
2002 S Mississippi - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2002 S Mississippi - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2003 P IllinoisBU$1.50
2003 D IllinoisBU$1.50
2003 Illinois - Gold Plated$1.50
2003 S Illinois - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2003 S Illinois - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2003 P AlabamaBU$1.00
2003 D AlabamaBU$1.00
2003 Alabama - Gold Plated$1.50
2003 S Alabama - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2003 S Alabama - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2003 P MaineBU$1.00
2003 D MaineBU$1.00
2003 Maine - Gold Plated$1.50
2003 S Maine - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2003 S Maine - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2003 P MissouriBU$1.00
2003 D MissouriBU$1.00
2003 Missouri - Gold Plated$1.50
2003 S Missouri - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2003 S Missouri - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2003 P ArkansasBU$1.00
2003 D ArkansasBU$1.00
2003 Arkansas - Gold Plated$1.50
2003 S Arkansas - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2003 S Arkansas - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2004 P MichiganBU$1.00
2004 D MichiganBU$1.00
2004 Michigan - Gold Plated$1.50
2004 S MichiganPR-70 DCam ICG$10.00
2004 S Michigan - 90%PR-69 DCam ICG$10.00
2004 S Michigan - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2004 S Michigan - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2004 P FloridaBU$1.00
2004 D FloridaBU$1.00
2004 Florida - Gold Plated$1.50
2004 S FloridaPR-70 DCam ICG$10.00
2004 S Florida - 90%PR-69 DCam ICG$10.00
2004 S Florida - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2004 S Florida - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2004 P TexasBU$1.00
2004 D TexasBU$1.00
2004 Texas - Gold Plated$1.50
2004 S TexasPR-70 DCam ICG$10.00
2004 S Texas - 90%PR-69 DCam ICG$10.00
2004 S Texas - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2004 S Texas - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2004 P IowaBU$1.00
2004 D IowaBU$1.00
2004 Iowa - Gold Plated$1.50
2004 S IowaPR-70 DCam ICG$10.00
2004 S Iowa - 90%PR-69 DCam ICG$10.00
2004 S Iowa - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2004 S Iowa - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2004 P WisconsinBU$1.00
2004 Wisconsin - Gold Plated$1.50
2004 S WisconsinPR-70 DCam ICG$10.00
2004 S Wisconsin - 90%PR-69 DCam ICG$10.00
2004 S Wisconsin - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2004 S Wisconsin - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2005 P CaliforniaBU$1.00
2005 D CaliforniaBU$1.00
2005 California - Gold Plated$1.50
2005 S CaliforniaPR-69 DCam NGC$5.00
2005 S CaliforniaPR-70 DCam NGC$10.00
2005 S California - 2007 NGC CSPR-69 Ultra Cameo NGC$9.10
2005 S California - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2005 S California - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2005 S California - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$15.00
2005 S California - 90%PR-70 DCam NGC$15.00
2005 P MinnesotaBU$1.00
2005 P MinnesotaMS-67 SMS NGC$9.60
2005 D MinnesotaBU$1.00
2005 S MinnesotaPR-69 DCam NGC$5.00
2005 S Minnesota - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2005 S Minnesota - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2005 S Minnesota - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$15.00
2005 P OregonBU$1.00
2005 D OregonBU$1.00
2005 Oregon - Gold Plated$1.50
2005 S Oregon - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2005 S Oregon - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2005 S Oregon - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$15.00
2005 P KansasBU$1.00
2005 D KansasBU$1.00
2005 Kansas - Gold Plated$1.50
2005 S KansasPR-69 DCam NGC$5.00
2005 S Kansas - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2005 S Kansas - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2005 S Kansas - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$15.00
2005 P West VirginiaBU$1.00
2005 D West VirginiaBU$1.00
2005 West Virginia - Gold Plated$1.50
2005 S West VirginiaPR-69 DCam NGC$5.00
2005 S West Virginia - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2005 S West Virginia - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2005 S West Virginia - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$15.00
2006 P NevadaBU$1.00
2006 D NevadaBU$1.00
2006 D NevadaMS-66 SMS NGC$5.00
2006 Nevada - Gold Plated$1.50
2006 S NevadaPR-69 DCam PCGS$5.00
2006 S NevadaPR-69 DCam NGC$5.00
2006 S NevadaPR-70 DCam NGC$10.00
2006 S Nevada - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2006 S Nevada - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2006 S Nevada - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$15.00
2006 P NebraskaBU$1.00
2006 D NebraskaBU$1.00
2006 Nebraska - Gold Plated$1.50
2006 S NebraskaPR-69 DCam NGC$5.00
2006 S NebraskaPR-70 DCam NGC$10.00
2006 S Nebraska - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2006 S Nebraska - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2006 S Nebraska - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$15.00
2006 S Nebraska - 90%PR-70 DCam NGC$15.00
2006 P ColoradoBU$1.00
2006 P ColoradoMS-67 SMS NGC$7.00
2006 D ColoradoBU$1.00
2006 Colorado - Gold Plated$1.50
2006 S ColoradoPR-69 DCam PCGS$5.00
2006 S ColoradoPR-69 DCam NGC$5.00
2006 S Colorado - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2006 S Colorado - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2006 S Colorado - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$15.00
2006 S Colorado - 90%PR-70 DCam NGC$15.00
2006 P North DakotaBU$1.00
2006 D North DakotaBU$1.00
2006 North Dakota - Gold Plated$1.50
2006 P North DakotaMS-66 SMS NGC$5.00
2006 P North DakotaMS-67 SMS NGC$8.50
2006 S North DakotaPR-69 DCam NGC$5.00
2006 S North DakotaPR-70 DCam NGC$10.00
2006 S North Dakota - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2006 S North Dakota - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2006 S North Dakota - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$15.00
2006 P South DakotaBU$1.00
2006 D South DakotaBU$1.00
2006 South Dakota - Gold Plated$1.50
2006 P South DakotaMS-66 SMS NGC$5.00
2006 S South DakotaPR-69 DCam NGC$5.00
2006 S South DakotaPR-70 DCam NGC$10.00
2006 S South Dakota - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2006 S South Dakota - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2006 S South Dakota - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$15.00
2006 S South Dakota - 90%PR-70 DCam NGC$15.00
2007 P MontanaBU$1.00
2007 D MontanaBU$1.00
2007 D Montana - RollBU$19.80
2007 Montana - Gold Plated$1.50
2007 S MontanaPR-70 DCam NGC$12.00
2007 S Montana - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$11.00
2007 S Montana - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$11.00
2007 S Montana - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$16.00
2007 P WashingtonBU$1.00
2007 D WashingtonBU$1.00
2007 Washington - Gold Plated$1.50
2007 S WashingtonPR-69 DCam NGC$6.00
2007 S Washington - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$11.00
2007 S Washington - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$11.00
2007 P IdahoBU$1.00
2007 D IdahoBU$1.00
2007 Idaho - Gold Plated$1.50
2007 S Idaho - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$11.00
2007 S Idaho - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$11.00
2007 P WyomingBU$1.00
2007 D WyomingBU$1.00
2007 Wyoming - Gold Plated$1.50
2007 S Wyoming - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$11.00
2007 S Wyoming - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$11.00
2007 S Wyoming - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$16.00
2007 P UtahBU$1.00
2007 D UtahBU$1.00
2007 Utah - Gold Plated$1.50
2007 S UtahPR-69 DCam NGC$6.00
2007 S UtahPR-70 DCam NGC$12.00
2007 S Utah - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$11.00
2007 S Utah - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$11.00
2008 P OklahomaBU$1.00
2008 D OklahomaBU$1.00
2008 Oklahoma - Gold Plated$1.50
2008 S Oklahoma - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$11.00
2008 S Oklahoma - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$11.00
2008 P New MexicoBU$1.00
2008 D New MexicoBU$1.00
2008 S New Mexico - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$11.00
2008 P ArizonaBU$1.00
2008 D ArizonaBU$1.00
2008 Arizona - Gold Plated$1.50
2008 S Arizona - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$11.00
2008 P AlaskaBU$1.00
2008 D AlaskaBU$1.00
2008 Alaska - Gold Plated$1.50
2008 S Alaska - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$11.00
2008 S Alaska - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$11.00
2008 P HawaiiBU$1.00
2008 D HawaiiBU$1.00
2008 Hawaii - Gold Plated$1.50
2008 S Hawaii - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$11.00
Territorial Quarters


2009 P District of ColumbiaBU$1.00
2009 D District of ColumbiaBU$1.00
2009 District of Columbia - Gold Plated$1.50
2009 S District of ColumbiaPR-69 DCam PCGS$5.00
2009 S District of ColumbiaPR-70 DCam ICG$10.00
2009 S District of Columbia - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2009 S District of Columbia - 90%PR-70 DCam Anacs$15.00
2009 S District of Columbia - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$15.00
2009 S District of Columbia - 90%PR-70 DCam NGC$15.00
2009 P Puerto RicoBU$1.00
2009 P Puerto RicoMS-66 PCGS$5.00
2009 D Puerto RicoBU$1.00
2009 Puerto Rico - Gold Plated$1.50
2009 S Puerto RicoPR-70 DCam Anacs$10.00
2009 S Puerto RicoPR-70 DCam ICG$10.00
2009 S Puerto Rico - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2009 S Puerto Rico - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$15.00
2009 S Puerto Rico - 90%PR-70 DCam NGC$15.00
2009 P GuamBU$1.00
2009 D GuamBU$1.00
2009 Guam - Gold Plated$1.50
2009 S GuamPR-70 DCam Anacs$10.00
2009 S GuamPR-70 DCam ICG$10.00
2009 S Guam - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$10.00
2009 S Guam - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$15.00
2009 S Guam - 90%PR-70 DCam NGC$15.00
2009 P American SamoaBU$1.00
2009 D American SamoaBU$1.00
2009 American Samoa - Gold Plated$1.50
2009 S American SamoaPR-70 DCam Anacs$10.00
2009 S American SamoaPR-70 DCam ICG$10.00
2009 S American SamoaPR-70 DCam NGC$10.00
2009 S American Samoa - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2009 P US Virgin IslandsBU$1.50
2009 D US Virgin IslandsBU$1.50
2009 US Virgin Islands - Gold Plated$1.50
2009 S US Virgin IslandsPR-70 DCam Anacs$10.00
2009 S US Virgin IslandsPR-70 DCam ICG$10.00
2009 S US Virgin IslandsPR-70 DCam NGC$10.00
2009 S US Virgin Islands - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2009 P Northern MarianasBU$1.00
2009 D Northern MarianasBU$1.00
2009 Northern Marianas - Gold Plated$1.50
2009 S Northern MarianasPR-69 DCam NGC$5.00
2009 S Northern MarianasPR-70 DCam ICG$10.00
2009 S Northern Marianas - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$10.00
2009 S Northern Marianas - 90%PR-70 DCam ICG$15.00
National Parks Quarters


2010 P Hot SpringsBU$1.00
2010 D Hot SpringsBU$1.00
2010 P YellowstoneBU$1.00
2010 D YellowstoneBU$1.00
2010 P YosemiteBU$1.00
2010 D YosemiteBU$1.00
2010 P Grand CanyonBU$1.00
2010 D Grand CanyonBU$1.00
2010 P Mt HoodBU$1.00
2010 D Mt HoodBU$1.00
2011 P GettysburgBU$1.00
2011 D GettysburgBU$1.00
2011 P GlacierBU$1.00
2011 D GlacierBU$1.00
2011 D OlympicBU$1.00
2011 P VicksburgBU$1.00
2011 D VicksburgBU$1.00
2011 P ChickasawBU$1.00
2011 D ChickasawBU$1.00
2011 S Chickasaw - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$12.00
2012 P El YunqueBU$1.00
2012 D El YunqueBU$1.00
2012 S El YunqueBU$2.50
2012 S El YunquePR-70 DCam Anacs$12.00
2012 D Chaco CultureBU$1.00
2012 S Chaco CultureBU$2.50
2012 S Chaco CulturePR-69 DCam NGC$6.00
2012 S Chaco CulturePR-70 DCam Anacs$12.00
2012 P AcadiaBU$1.00
2012 S AcadiaBU$2.50
2012 S AcadiaPR-70 DCam Anacs$12.00
2012 P Hawai'i VolcanoesBU$1.00
2012 D Hawai'i VolcanoesBU$1.00
2012 S Hawai'i VolcanoesBU$2.50
2012 P DenaliBU$1.00
2012 D DenaliBU$1.00
2012 S DenaliBU$2.50
2012 S DenaliPR-69 DCam NGC$6.00
2012 S DenaliPR-70 DCam Anacs$12.00
2013 P White MountainBU$1.00
2013 D White MountainBU$1.00
2013 S White MountainBU$2.50
2013 P White Mountain - RollBU$22.50
2013 D White Mountain - RollBU$22.50
2013 P Perry's VictoryBU$1.00
2013 D Perry's VictoryBU$1.00
2013 S Perry's VictoryBU$2.50
2013 P Perry's Victory - RollBU$33.00
2013 D Perry's Victory - RollBU$28.50
2013 P Great BasinBU$1.00
2013 D Great BasinBU$1.00
2013 S Great BasinBU$2.50
2013 P Great Basin - RollBU$21.60
2013 D Great Basin - RollBU$21.60
2013 S Great BasinPR-69 DCam NGC$6.00
2013 P Fort McHenryBU$1.00
2013 D Fort McHenryBU$1.00
2013 S Fort McHenryBU$2.50
2013 P Fort McHenry - RollBU$21.60
2013 D Fort McHenry - RollBU$21.60
2013 S Fort McHenry - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$12.00
2013 P Mount RushmoreBU$1.00
2013 D Mount RushmoreBU$1.00
2013 S Mount RushmoreBU$2.50
2013 P Mount Rushmore - RollBU$21.60
2013 D Mount Rushmore - RollBU$21.60
2014 P Great Smoky MtsBU$1.00
2014 D Great Smoky MtsBU$1.00
2014 S Great Smoky MtsBU$2.50
2014 P Great Smoky Mts - RollBU$21.60
2014 D Great Smoky Mts - RollBU$21.60
2014 P ShenandoahBU$1.00
2014 D ShenandoahBU$1.00
2014 S ShenandoahBU$2.50
2014 P Shenandoah - RollBU$21.60
2014 D Shenandoah - RollBU$21.60
2014 S ShenandoahPR-69 DCam PCGS$6.00
2014 P ArchesBU$1.00
2014 D ArchesBU$1.00
2014 S ArchesBU$2.50
2014 P Arches - RollBU$21.60
2014 D Arches - RollBU$21.60
2014 P Great Sand DunesBU$1.00
2014 D Great Sand DunesBU$1.00
2014 S Great Sand DunesBU$2.50
2014 P Great Sand Dunes - RollBU$30.40
2014 D Great Sand Dunes - RollBU$28.80
2014 P EvergladesBU$1.00
2014 D EvergladesBU$1.00
2014 S EvergladesBU$2.50
2014 P Everglades - RollBU$21.60
2014 D Everglades - RollBU$21.60
2015 P HomesteadBU$1.00
2015 D HomesteadBU$1.00
2015 S HomesteadBU$2.30
2015 P Homestead - RollBU$21.20
2015 D Homestead - RollBU$21.20
2015 S Homestead - 90%PR-69 DCam PCGS$12.00
2015 P KisatchieBU$1.00
2015 D KisatchieBU$1.00
2015 S KisatchieBU$2.30
2015 P Kisatchie - RollBU$21.20
2015 D Kisatchie - RollBU$21.20
2015 P Blue Ridge ParkwayBU$1.00
2015 D Blue Ridge ParkwayBU$1.00
2015 S Blue Ridge ParkwayBU$2.30
2015 P Blue Ridge Parkway - RollBU$21.20
2015 D Blue Ridge Parkway - RollBU$21.20
2015 P Bombay HookBU$1.00
2015 D Bombay HookBU$1.00
2015 S Bombay HookBU$2.30
2015 P Bombay Hook - RollBU$21.20
2015 D Bombay Hook - RollBU$21.20
2015 P SaratogaBU$1.00
2015 D SaratogaBU$1.00
2015 S SaratogaBU$2.30
2015 P Saratoga - RollBU$21.20
2015 D Saratoga - RollBU$21.20
2016 P ShawneeBU$1.00
2016 D ShawneeBU$1.00
2016 S ShawneeBU$2.30
2016 P Shawnee - RollBU$21.20
2016 D Shawnee - RollBU$21.20
2016 P Cumberland GapBU$1.00
2016 D Cumberland GapBU$1.00
2016 S Cumberland GapBU$2.30
2016 P Cumberland Gap - RollBU$21.20
2016 D Cumberland Gap - RollBU$21.20
2016 P Harpers FerryBU$1.00
2016 D Harpers FerryBU$1.00
2016 S Harpers FerryBU$2.30
2016 P Harpers Ferry - RollBU$21.20
2016 D Harpers Ferry - RollBU$21.20
2016 P Theodore RooseveltBU$1.00
2016 D Theodore RooseveltBU$1.00
2016 S Theodore RooseveltBU$2.30
2016 P Theodore Roosevelt - RollBU$21.20
2016 D Theodore Roosevelt - RollBU$21.20
2016 P Fort MoultrieBU$1.00
2016 D Fort MoultrieBU$1.00
2016 S Fort MoultrieBU$2.30
2016 P Fort Moultrie - RollBU$21.20
2016 D Fort Moultrie - RollBU$21.20
2017 P Effigy MoundsBU$1.00
2017 D Effigy MoundsBU$1.00
2017 S Effigy MoundsBU$2.30
2017 P Effigy Mounds - RollBU$21.20
2017 D Effigy Mounds - RollBU$21.20
2017 P Frederick DouglassBU$1.00
2017 D Frederick DouglassBU$1.00
2017 S Frederick DouglassBU$2.30
2017 P Frederick Douglass - RollBU$21.20
2017 D Frederick Douglass - RollBU$21.20
2017 P OzarkBU$1.00
2017 D OzarkBU$1.00
2017 S OzarkBU$2.30
2017 P Ozark - RollBU$21.20
2017 D Ozark - RollBU$21.20
2017 P Ellis IslandBU$1.00
2017 D Ellis IslandBU$1.00
2017 S Ellis IslandBU$2.30
2017 P Ellis Island - RollBU$21.20
2017 D Ellis Island - RollBU$21.20
2017 P George R ClarkBU$1.00
2017 D George R ClarkBU$1.00
2017 S George R ClarkBU$2.30
2017 P George R Clark - RollBU$21.20
2017 D George R Clark - RollBU$21.20
2017 S George R ClarkSP-70 Enhanced Finish NGC$14.40
2018 P Pictured RocksBU$1.00
2018 S Pictured RocksBU$2.30
2018 S Pictured Rocks - 90% Reverse ProofPR-69 NGC$16.80
2018 P Apostle IslandsBU$1.00
2018 D Apostle IslandsBU$1.00
2018 S Apostle IslandsBU$2.30
2018 S Apostle Islands - 90% Reverse ProofPR-69 NGC$16.80
2018 P VoyageursBU$1.00
2018 D VoyageursBU$1.00
2018 S VoyageursBU$2.30
2018 P Voyageurs - RollBU$21.20
2018 D Voyageurs - RollBU$21.20
2018 S Voyageurs - 90% Reverse ProofPR-69 NGC$16.80
2018 P Cumberland IslandBU$1.00
2018 D Cumberland IslandBU$1.00
2018 S Cumberland IslandBU$2.30
2018 P Cumberland Island - RollBU$21.20
2018 S Cumberland Island - 90%PR-69 DCam NGC$12.00
2018 S Cumberland Island - 90% Reverse ProofPR-69 NGC$16.80
2018 P Block IslandBU$1.00
2018 D Block IslandBU$1.00
2018 S Block IslandBU$2.30
2018 S Block Island - 90% Reverse ProofPR-69 NGC$16.80
2019 P LowellBU$1.00
2019 S LowellBU$2.00
2019 P Lowell - RollBU$21.20
2019 D Lowell - RollBU$21.20
2019 P American MemorialBU$1.00
2019 S American MemorialBU$2.00
2019 P American Memorial - RollBU$21.20
2019 D American Memorial - RollBU$21.20
2019 P War in the PacificBU$1.00
2019 S War in the PacificBU$2.00
2019 D War in the Pacific - RollBU$21.20
2019 P San Antonio MissionsBU$1.00
2019 D San Antonio MissionsBU$1.00
2019 S San Antonio MissionsBU$2.00
2019 P River of No ReturnBU$1.00
2019 D River of No ReturnBU$1.00
2019 S River of No ReturnBU$2.00
2019 P River of No Return - RollBU$21.20
2019 W River of No ReturnMS-66 Anacs$120.00
2020 P NP American SamoaBU$1.00
2020 S NP American SamoaBU$2.00
2020 P Weir FarmBU$1.00
2020 D Weir FarmBU$1.00
2020 S Weir FarmBU$2.00
2020 P Salt River BayBU$1.00
2020 D Salt River BayBU$1.00
2020 S Salt River BayBU$2.00
2020 P Salt River Bay - RollBU$21.20
2020 P Marsh-BillingsBU$1.00
2020 S Marsh-BillingsBU$2.00
2020 W Marsh-Billings - V75 Privy MarkMS-66 NGC$130.00
2020 P TallgrassBU$1.00
2021 P Tuskegee AirmenBU$1.00
2021 D Tuskegee AirmenBU$1.00
2021 S Tuskegee AirmenBU$2.00
American Women Quarters


2022 P Maya AngelouBU$1.00
2022 D Maya AngelouBU$1.00
2022 D Maya AngelouMS-66 NGC$5.20
2022 S Maya AngelouMS-67 NGC$26.00
2022 P Sally RideBU$1.00
2022 D Sally RideBU$1.00
2022 S Sally Ride - 90%PR-70 DCam PCGS$17.00
2022 P Wilma MankillerBU$1.00
2022 D Wilma MankillerBU$1.00
2022 P Nina Otero-WarrenBU$1.00
2022 D Nina Otero-WarrenBU$1.00
2022 S Nina Otero-WarrenBU$2.00
2022 P Anna May WongBU$1.00
2022 D Anna May WongBU$1.00
2023 P Bessie ColemanBU$1.00
2023 D Bessie ColemanBU$1.00
2023 D Edith Kanaka oleBU$1.00
2023 P Eleanor RooseveltBU$1.00
2023 D Eleanor RooseveltBU$1.00
2023 P Jovita IdarBU$1.00
2023 D Jovita IdarBU$1.00
2023 S Maria TallchiefBU$2.00
2024 S Patsy Takemoto MinkBU$2.00
2024 D Dr. Mary Edwards WalkerBU$1.00
2024 S Dr. Mary Edwards WalkerBU$2.00
2024 P Pauli MurrayBU$1.00
2024 D Pauli MurrayBU$1.00
2024 S Pauli MurrayBU$2.00
2024 P Zitkala-ŠaBU$1.00
2024 D Zitkala-ŠaBU$1.00
2024 S Zitkala-ŠaBU$2.00
2024 D Celia CruzBU$1.00
2024 S Celia CruzBU$2.00
2025 P Ida B. WellsBU$1.00
2025 D Ida B. WellsBU$1.00
2025 S Ida B. WellsBU$2.00

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