The following excerpt about Joseph W. Markley, president of the First National Bank of Westerville, is taken from Centennial History of Columbus And Franklin County, Ohio by William Alexander Taylor, 1909.
J. W. Markley is one of the most successful men of Westerville, and his achievements are due entirely to his presistency of purpose, his intelligent direction of his labor and his undaunted enterprise. He early learned the fact that there is no royal road to wealth but that hard work and keen discrimination constitute a sound foundation upon which to build prosperity. Mr. Markley was born on a garden farm, just outside the city limits of Cincinnati, Ohio, December 11, 1852. He came to Westerville in 1869 and supplemented his early educational advantages by study at the Otterbein University. Two years later he returned to Cincinnati, where he engaged in the commission business with his father for two years and then ran a general store at Mt. Carmel, remaining a factor in commercial circles in that city until 1880.
In that year he came to Westerville to visit his brother, O. L. Markley, and, believing that he saw a. favorable opportunity in the business world, repurchased the grocery store of J. F. Snoddy at the northwest corner of State and College streets. Here he has continued in business for almost three decades, or since the 4th of October 1880. He conducted his grocery trade originally in a small frame building, and at first had but a limited stock. However, he pleased his patrons by his courteous treatment, his strict regard for business integrity and the well selected line of goods which he carried and soon his trade increased to gratifying proportions. His success justified his erection of his present two-story brick building in 1888. This is a double store, forty by one hundred and twenty-eight feet, and long since he has ceased to deal exclusively in groceries having added other lines of goods, until he now has a well-appointed general store which he has carried on for ten years employing always five clerks and sometimes seven. The business is now large and profitable, and is the most important commercial enterprise of the town. Mr. Markley also figures prominently in financial circles having been president of the First National Bank of Westerville since its organization in April, 1905. This was established upon safe, conservative lines and its business policy has commended it to the confidence and support of the public.
In 1874 Mr. Markley was married to Miss Sallie Hopper, who was born in Clermont county, Ohio in 1853. They have two daughters: Ada, the wife of Charles Frankham, an attorney of Columbus; and Josephine, at home (married Dr. Robert Wilson, a dentist, about 1910). Both daughters are graduates of Otterbein University.
The family attend the United Brethren church, in which Mr.
Markley takes most active and helpful interest, contributing generously
to its support and serving, as one of the church ushers for a
quarter of a century. Since the age of twenty-one years be has
been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows; and is
also a worthy exemplar of the Masonic fraternity. In politics
he has been a lifelong republican, has served as a member of the
village council and as a member of the board of education. He
is likewise a member of the board of trade, and is a public-spirited
man who neglects no opportunity for advancing the interests of
his locality. His strict integrity and honorable methods in business
commend him to the confidence of all; his pleasant manner wins
him friends; and he is one of the popular and honored residents
of Westerville.